zondag 16 december 2012

Diana Spencer - Unlawful killing (Video)

Deze nuchtere documentaire word te pas en onpas van het internet verwijderd. Vanwege copyright.
Maar dat is niet het hele verhaal want niet alles met copyright word verwijderd. Het zijn vaak steeds dezelfde dingen die wel worden verwijderd. De Video werd onlangs (2 dagen geleden) van youtube binnen enkele uren verwijderd en staat nu op vimeo. We hopen dat het nu wel lukt om hem te blijven streamen.

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10 mei 2011

Het 64ste Filmfestival van Cannes kondigde maandag de vertoning aan van Unlawful Killing, een documentaire die nieuwe theorieën opwerpt over de dood van de Britse prinses Diana in 1997.
De prinses kwam op 31 augustus 1997 samen met Dodi Al-Fayed om het leven door een auto-ongeluk in Parijs. De Britse politie verklaarde na onderzoek dat het een ongeluk was geweest. De documentaire trekt deze conclusie echter weer in twijfel.

Regisseur Keith Allen (de vader van zangeres Lily Allen) werkte voor de film samen met miljonair Mohamed Al-Fayed, de vader van de tevens overleden Dodi, de vriend van prinses Diana. Al-Fayed claimde al in 2008 dat zijn zoon en Diana vermoord zouden zijn door de Britse overheid. Diana zou op 1 juli dit jaar haar vijftigste verjaardag hebben gevierd.

Unlawful Killing gaat in première op het Filmfestival van Cannes, en niet in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Volgens Allen eisten de Britten 87 cuts in de film voordat hij vertoond mocht worden. De film bevat onder andere een onthullende foto van een stervende Diana, genomen vlak na het ongeluk. Allen: 'Om rechtszaken te verkomen draait de documentaire straks overal, behalve in het Verenigd Koninkrijk.'

Zowel Allen als Mohamed Al-Fayed komen vrijdag naar Cannes om de première van de film bij te wonen.

Unlawfull killing:

A controversial documentary questioning the circumstances of Princess Diana's death has been shelved after insurers refused to indemnify the makers against potential libel lawsuits, reports the Sun.

Unlawful Killing, directed by Keith Allen and funded by Diana's partner Dodi Fayed's father, Mohamed Al Fayed, was screened at Cannes last year, though it was not part of the official festival. It alleges that "dark forces" within the British establishment worked to cover up the true details of Diana's death in 1997.

Producers admitted last year that lawyers had warned them to make 87 cuts if they wanted to show the film in Britain, but the makers had hoped to show the film in the US and other territories to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the deaths of Diana and Dodi in a Parisian tunnel. Unfortunately, insurers have baulked at the prospect because US distributors might have faced litigation through their UK offices.
"Unlawful Killing has been sold all around the world," a spokesperson for the film told the Sun. "But there was a specific form of insurance needed by the US distributors to cover them for their French and UK offices. This proved impossible to secure. The film has been withdrawn in perpetuity."
The move will presumably disappoint Al Fayed, who has long argued that the circumstances surrounding the death of his son and Diana were suspicious. He is reported to have put up the film's entire £2.5m budget and was said to be "delighted" at the results, though Allen argued in a Guardian article last year that the documentary was independently conceived and had not been altered to fit the worldview of its benefactor.
As one Diana movie fades into the dust, so another raises its head above the parapet. The first pictures of Naomi Watts as the princess in the upcoming biopic Diana have hit the internet. The Australian actor plays Diana in her later years in the film, previously known as Caught in Flight, which is being directed by Downfall's Oliver Hirschbiegel, best known for his acclaimed drama about the last days of Hitler in his Berlin bunker. The film centres on the princess's relationships with heart surgeon Dr Hasnat Khan (played by Naveen Andrews) and Dodi Fayed. It is scheduled for release next year.

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