A Mercy For Animals investigation reveals sadistic animal torture at Bettencourt Dairies - a major Burger King cheese supplier in Idaho. The investigation has already led to three workers, including a manager of the dairy, being charged with criminal cruelty to animals.
MFA's hidden camera captured:
• Workers and management viciously beating and shocking cows and violently twisting their tails in order to deliberately inflict pain
• Workers and management repeatedly shocking a downed cow and then dragging her by her neck using a chain attached to a tractor
• Extremely unsafe and unsanitary conditions, including feces covered floors that cause cows to regularly slip, fall, and injure themselves
• Sick or injured cows suffering from open wounds, broken bones and infected udders left to suffer without veterinary care
Expert Opinions
After reviewing the undercover footage, Dr. Temple Grandin, the world�s leading
expert in farmed-animal welfare, stated: "The atrocious treatment of cows at this
dairy is an indicator of a total lack of management supervision."
In a joint statement, Dr. Bernard Rollin, a distinguished professor of animal sciences at Colorado State University, and William Wailes, a dairy specialist and head of the Department of Animal Sciences at Colorado State University, declared: "Of the dozens of such videos that we have watched, this one was the most horrific and the most upsetting. ... Never have we seen such outright sadistic pleasure taken by workers in animal suffering."
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